Eliminate paper with customizable templates that can be fully configured to your exact permitting process
Permit to Work
Prevent accidents and injuries in hazardous conditions
Remove friction from the permit-to-work process
Permits to work ensure that risks are identified and mitigated ahead of time, so that work can proceed as safely as possible. Unfortunately, many organizations still use paper-based work permits, which are tedious to compile and then impossible to certify that processes are actually followed correctly.
With the fully digital and mobile DevonWay Permit to Work, managers can ensure that workers follow the right process safely.
- Completion of a JSA for a Work Task within DevonWay identifies the necessary Permits and Isolation points
- Different permit types can have pre-defined approval workflows
- Permits tie back to equipment isolation points for isolating, verifying, and restoring equipment as necessary to perform work
- Permits also tie back to necessary environmental inspections such as atmospheric testing for confined space work
Stay current at all times
Real-time updates from the mobile app to the server (when a network connection is available) ensure that process owners and management always know the state of work being executed.
Configurable notifications and event-triggered alerts ensure that important events are automatically sent to stakeholders, without them having to log on to the system.
Easily modifiable permit templates mean that you can tune and adjust your process as experience or changing conditions demand, with the updated digital templates available immediately to upcoming work tasks.
Top Benefits
Automate reviews and approvals with the full-featured DevonWay workflow engine
Continuously improve by analyzing completed permits and gathering operational experience directly from the field
Top Features
Permit Templates
Workflows can be pre-established for each permit type to ensure the needed approvals are properly obtained. Administrators can set up permit templates to speed up the creation of frequently used permits, as well as reduce the probability of errors due to inadvertent omissions.
Native Mobile Apps
Users can take permits to the job location with them using the offline-capable native DevonWay app (iOS, Android, or Windows). In addition, users can create a new permit directly from the app for any hazardous tasks that come up during job execution that were not anticipated during the planning process.
Contractor-Friendly Pricing
Fixed annual pricing for unlimited users means that you can incorporate contractors, suppliers, and other third parties into your Permit to Work program without worrying about fluctuating monthly charges.
Alerts & Notifications
Users can create automated notifications for selected permit authorizations to pre-determined individuals or groups. For example, management could receive an alert that a permit was approved, with a scheduled task. These notifications can be set up by the users themselves, without requiring IT.
Integrated Analytics
Permit data reports and execution metrics can be created or modified by non-IT administrators and end users. Reports include: Number of permits, by type, written and executed; Average permit approval time; and much more.
End-to-End Feedback Loop
The Work Permits solution can capture user-entered feedback and operating experience, so deficiencies and improvement opportunities can be rapidly and efficiently identified and addressed.