Verdantix, an independent UK-based research and consulting firm with expertise in environmental, health, safety, quality, and operational excellence technologies, recently stated that “DevonWay Offers a Robust Control of Work Offering For High-Risk Regulated Industries,” in their Buyer’s Guide: Control of Work Software Applications.
See how DevonWay software products support Control of Work, to formalize and streamline safety procedures and reporting – and bring your processes to the next level.
What is Control of Work software?
Organizations use control-of-work software to avoid accidents and incidents, ensure contractor safety, improve real-time risk management, manage risks for safe operations, and boost worker productivity by increasing hands-on-tool time.
In their report, Verdantix identifies four core functional areas for control-of-work software: (1) Creating, approving, and managing permits for a wide range of tasks, (2) Undertaking Job Hazard Analysis or risk assessments, (3) Ensuring relevant equipment is properly isolated before work begins, and (4) Efficient handover of tasks during shift changes. The Verdantix report confirms that DevonWay software meets all of these, including Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), Permit to Work (PTW), Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO), and Shift Management.
Control of Work software aids successful completion of each work task without accident or injury to people, damage to equipment, or unapproved release of materials to the environment. DevonWay defines Control of Work as having these five functional areas:
- Work task definition and screening
- Work task detailed planning and resource identification
- Risk assessment, permits, and scheduling
- Task execution and oversight
- Post work review, feedback, closure, and archive
The first four correspond to Verdantix's functional areas. We include the fifth because it's important for continuous improvement.
DevonWay Products Support Best Practices for Safe, Effective, and Comprehensive Control of Work
Work Task Definition and Screening
With DevonWay’s work task definition and screening, users can define, prioritize, and ensure the right stakeholders screen work requests before planning a work order – making it safer and easier to complete work correctly. With DevonWay, work orders can be configured to meet any and all work task needs, large or small, on desktop or on mobile.
DevonWay products for Work Task Definition and Screening: Work Orders
Work Task Detailed Planning and Resource Identification
Save time, open accessibility and improve productivity with Work Task Detailed Planning and Resources Identification. Ensure proper resources and worker qualifications are defined by planning and work-execution stakeholders. Reserve known inventory for individual tasks to make sure they are available for the scheduled, day-of task execution.
DevonWay products for Work Task Detailed Planning and Resource Identification: Work Planning, Document Management, Training Management/Worker Qualifications, and Inventory (parts reservation)
Risk Assessment, Permits, and Scheduling
Safety is always top of mind. With Risk Assessment, Permits, and Scheduling, it’s easy to identify work-task risks by performing a Job Safety and Hazard Analysis (JSA/JHA), so you can take appropriate measures to eliminate or minimize the occurrence, consequences and probability of adverse events. Once the assessed risk is known, integrate work permits – such as lock-out tag-out, radiation work permits, confined space, and more – into work documents and other controls to manage and mitigate them.
DevonWay products for Risk Management, Permits and Scheduling: Risk Management, Job Safety & Hazard Analysis, Permit to Work, and Pre-Job Briefs
Task Execution and Oversight
With Task Execution and Oversight, you can provide technicians with calibrated instruments for use on field equipment. Plus, workers can easily document their work task progress so that supervisors and managers can ensure they’re meeting quality, management and regulatory expectations. Conduct management observation verifications (MOVs) with the DevonWay mobile app, and improve communication between shifts with Shift Handover, so information is digitized and automated across shift changes and teams.
DevonWay products for Task Execution and Oversight: Equipment Calibration, Mobile Observations, and Shift Handover
Post Work Review, Feedback, Closure, and Archive
Finish the job in a meaningful way with Post Work Review, Feedback, Closure and Archive. Supervisors can review tasks to ensure they are properly completed and documented. Then, after workers complete their tasks, they can provide feedback like lessons learned or suggestions for continuous improvement – keeping others informed and capturing valuable learnings.
DevonWay products for Post Work Review, Feedback, Closure, and Archive: Lessons Learned and Employee Suggestions
Talk to an Expert
We’d love to hear from you! If you have questions about Control of Work or would like to learn more about DevonWay Control of Work solutions, please contact us.