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DevonWay Explained (Part 4): Food Analogies

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Introducing part four of our article series, DevonWay Explained.

If you’ve read this far, chances are you’re pretty hungry. So, we offer details of our adaptability using food analogies.

Slice and Dice Data

Like a hibachi chef you can slice and dice the data into delicious presentations. Bar Graph? Pie Chart? Crosstab Reports? You got it. Want fire bursting out of an onion? That we can’t do. But our engineers are always working on amazing updates, so stay tuned!

The Trend(ing) Diet

Studies have shown that challenges in trending are the leading cause of coffee breaks in the country. Ok, that’s a joke. But what is no laughing matter is lost productivity because of inefficient design. DevonWay lets you organize your trend code library for easy selection, reducing the need for caffeine. Done and done.

Data Digestion

If basketball star (and legendary eater) Charles Barkley was right that “any knucklehead can score,” then the same can be said about data collection. It’s pretty easy to do. But data analysis (like rebounding in Barkley’s case) is a lot harder. And “The Round Mound of Rebound” would be quick to point out, “What’s the point of collecting data if you can’t get anything meaningful out of it?” We’re not sure, Chuck… but, shall we dine?