DevonWay Blog

DevonWay - 3 Benefits of Using a Mobile App for Pre-job Briefs

Written by Chenise Leveriza | October 30, 2017

Many pre-job briefing processes are structured as verbal conversations followed by written job safety analyses (JSA). But organizations that simply hand out physical checklists or post signs, instead of conducting their tasks digitally through an app, miss out on four key benefits:

Improved quality

It’s important that pre-job briefs be thorough and focused to the job at hand. Moving to digital media allows crews to deliver a more tailored and precise job briefing by flowing though configurable (and enforceable) decision trees. For example, reminding a supervisor to consider specific job hazards based on selected work procedures helps to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Better data

A mobile app leverages your device’s technology to perform a more detailed pre-job brief. Crews can include a picture of the job site with embedded geolocation coordinates, or use the device’s speech-to-text ability to include comments. Gathering more data without additional burden on employees in the field facilitates better reporting, evaluation, and identification of learning opportunities.

Insights on the spot

With digital pre-job briefs, crews automatically have access to the latest lessons learned from past work, and program administrators can deliver custom messages to crews in the field based on information they’ve gathered. For more advanced organizations, incorporating Observations with digital pre-job briefs automatically closes the feedback loop. Crews receive summary information from past job-site evaluations for the type of work they are executing, letting them know what areas to focus on to improve safety and quality.

Less time spent shuffling paper

Digital pre-job briefs make time spent scanning and entering job brief data obsolete. Personnel can spend time on truly value-added activities, like analyzing information or providing feedback to crews from past job briefs.

If you’re looking to streamline your pre-job briefing process, please feel free to contact us for a free demo.